Okaloa FlowLab: How work works

Overloaded team? Slow delivery? Lots of rework, quality not as it should be? Nagging stakeholders? Wondering if a different way of working might be beneficial to your team? You might want to learn how Flow can help you!

During this 5-hour training, you will be immersed in the world of Okaloa Flowlab, an experiential learning workshop designed to make teams understand how Flow can impact their speed and quality of delivery, thus creating happier teams serving happier customers. We will be using Kanban techniques, Systems Theory, Queueing Theory and Little’s Law to gather new insights in our daily work. Bring an open mind for having a meaningful conversation with your peers, plus a calculator as we will be using lots of metrics to get our message across! ;-)

For an even more meaningful conversation, and considerably bigger impact, bring your main stakeholders (manager, PO, customer, project manager) along…

Training takes place at Wemanity's offices or at the customer's premises or at any other location chosen and financed by the customer.

PS: Yes, 5 hours is a lot of time to invest - feedback from past customers has taught us however that it was among the most valuable time investments they made that year.
PPS: the required audience size is 3 to 15 people.

This training is delivered in English.

Pedagogical objectives

  • Gain a deep understanding of how the principles behind Flow directly influence the speed and quality of delivery within teams, fostering happier teams and satisfied customers.
  • Explore the underlying rationale behind self-organizing teams, uncovering the intrinsic motivations and benefits of this approach to team dynamics and performance.
  • Investigate the potential organizational benefits of adopting new work methodologies, leveraging insights from Kanban techniques, Systems Theory, Queueing Theory, and Little’s Law to drive operational improvements.
  • Experience an immersive journey into the intricacies of how work works within teams, facilitated through interactive business simulations, data-driven metrics collection, hypothesis formulation, and collaborative problem-solving sessions with peers and stakeholders.


The Hague, Netherlands


Day 1


Introduction & Context Setting

  • Overview of the training objectives and agenda.
  • Introduction to the concept of Flow and its significance in team performance and customer satisfaction.

Business Simulation - Round 1

  • Participants engage in a hands-on simulation activity to experience real-world work dynamics.
  • Observation and initial data collection on team performance metrics.


  • Reflective session to discuss observations from the first simulation round.
  • Identification of challenges, bottlenecks, and opportunities for improvement.

Data/Metrics Collection (“Let's Do Science”)

  • Introduction to data collection methods and key performance metrics.
  • Hands-on data gathering exercise using relevant tools and techniques.


Introduction & Context Setting

  • Overview of the training objectives and agenda.
  • Introduction to the concept of Flow and its significance in team performance and customer satisfaction.

Business Simulation - Round 1

  • Participants engage in a hands-on simulation activity to experience real-world work dynamics.
  • Observation and initial data collection on team performance metrics.


  • Reflective session to discuss observations from the first simulation round.
  • Identification of challenges, bottlenecks, and opportunities for improvement.

Data/Metrics Collection (“Let's Do Science”)

  • Introduction to data collection methods and key performance metrics.
  • Hands-on data gathering exercise using relevant tools and techniques.
Flat design illustration representing people developing computer programs
  • Teams wanting to improve their quality, quantity and/or speed of delivery, plus their stakeholders.
  • Teams wanting to do a ‘useful’, work-related activity on a team building offsite.
  • Organizations wanting to get insights into why their performance might be lacking, and what to do about it.
  • Individuals, e.g. team leaders, looking for ways to improve the way work is handled in their organization.
  • Prerequisites: being dependent on team performance in order to be successful.

The Hague, Netherlands


850 €/pp

(TVA exc, location, catering & parking excl.)

Once you have submitted the registration form, we will contact you within 24 hours to finalise the details of your registration.

Do you have a question for us? Need more information?