Sustainable Shift

Accelerate your sustainable transformation through engagement, TechforGood, and Agile.

Illustration représentant une équipe créant une interface à l'aide de données utilisateur Illustration représentant une équipe créant une interface à l'aide de données utilisateur

About Wemanity Sustainable Shift

At Wemanity, we are convinced that the survival of companies depends on their ability to adapt to the economic, social, and environmental changes of our century.

Our Mission: To make ESG and Innovation sustainable growth drivers for businesses.

How? By expanding performance criteria to the 3Ps (People, Planet, Prosperity) and supporting these changes at the organisational, cultural, and technological levels!

Our Value Proposition

Accelerate your Sustainable Transformation through a holistic, systemic approach that creates value for all your stakeholders.


Raise Awareness

Or how to make people understand the “Why” of your Transformation? Explore our range of fun, innovative, and collaborative workshops, and co-create awareness programs and educational courses that reflect your values.

From workshops and escape games to WeImpact Carbon (awarded the Grand Prix Impact 2023), join us to embody sustainability and engage your community both personally and professionally.

The strength of our ecosystem

The strength of our ecosystem allows us to bring together all the skills and expertise necessary for a truly sustainable transformation, while maintaining the operational efficiency of tailored support.

Recognised expertise

Concrete achievements with our clients and experts

Together with our top internal and external partners, we have created an offering that leverages our expertise in Agile, Tech, CSR/ESG, Architecture and API, Change Management, Management 3.0, Data and AI, GreenIT, and eco-design to accelerate and facilitate tangible impact in the sustainable transformation of your organisation.

Expanding performance criteria

More than a “simple“ transformation.

We are convinced that it is now necessary to expand performance criteria to the 3 Ps: People, Planet, Prosperity. We aim for better risk management, attracting and motivating talents, accessing new markets, innovating for the future, solving global challenges, cost savings, attracting the right investors, and, above all, ensuring the long-term sustainability of the company.

Transformation pathways

Holistic and systemic approach.

We address all aspects of transformation, from raising employee awareness and acculturation to measurement, training, and certification of internal skills. We are committed to guiding our clients through an inspiring and impactful transformation journey for all.

Our Consultants' Expertise

Our team combines deep expertise in ESG issues, transformation, and new technologies.

Why Us?


consulting firm in Sustainable Transformation. We are the European leader in Agile Transformation and the benchmark for adapting to change.


days of Solidarity Projects carried out by more than 200 consultants with our partner NGOs since 2019.


place at the Grand Prix Impact 2023 for our tool WeImpactCarbon, recognized among sustainable solutions, and made accessible to the greatest number!

Our interventions

  • Accelerating the Digital Social Economy in France and Europe - Digital Social Economy Europe
  • How to Accelerate the Ecological and Solidarity Transition in Tech Professions - GreenTech Forum 2023
  • Converting Organisations and their Leaders to Responsible Digital Practices - ROI, Co-benefits, and Extra-environmental Arguments - GreenTechForum 2024
  • Women in Tech & Leadership: Towards the Evolution of Female Role Models
  • Can You Be Agile Without Being Sustainable? - Agile Tour Brussels
  • How to Make ESG and Innovation Sustainable Performance Drivers?
  • Leadership Revolution: When Role Models Evolve - Université de Nanterre

Our awards

  • Laureates Social Demain - Young Leaders under 30 advocating for the Future of Work.
  • Laureates Hub Institute 2022 - 35 young leaders under 35 accelerating the Sustainable Transformation of companies.
  • Grand Prix Impact 2023 - WeImpactCarbon, selected among 400 French sustainable solutions.

Contact us

Our partners


Sustainable transformation in companies is not just about a well-crafted non-financial report or CSRD alignment; it also involves a cultural, organisational, and technological transformation. Join us in shaping a more sustainable future with Wemanity Sustainable Shift!

Manaelle Perchet - Head of Impact & Sustainable Transformation
